展示品のご案内 Detail of Exhibit
It was from my father's first phrase and was given to me by my grandmother's parents, the Katakawa family.
The dolls I received from my uncle's Okawa family are also on display.
It's a detailed record of the material supply when building the house current as of the Hamoto, in 1890. A corner stone, roof material, plasterer material, doors, a nail and waste cloth are mentioned from the material of the wood, the size, a purchase destination and the price.
When taking beans, sesame and a rapeseed out from a sheath, every sheath hits KIZUCHI, and beans are harvested.
After using and taking beans out by a hammer when sesame and a rapeseed took oil out from a seed, oil is harvested by a stone mill.
おもちをついてから、丸めるときに使う容器で、直径は90cmです。またおもちを冷ますために、45cmの団扇(うちわ)であをぎます。When rounding, a diameter is 90cm by a used container after I thrust at rice cake. Fan (fan) DEA OGIMASU which is 45cm to cool rice cake again.
Something old of Imari ware. The bottom where a flower pattern of mustard (poppy) is the interior is drawn.
BASFはバスフと呼ばれ、ドイツの肥料会社(現在は化学会社)Badische Anilin Sda-Fabrk。蒼いホーローの看板がガレージに飾ってある。ナイフは、宣伝用に、いただいた物と推定。
Fertilizer company (at present, chemical corporation) Badische Anilin Sda BASF is called BASUFU in Japan and which is Germany- Fabrk. A sign of blue porcelain enamel is displayed in a garage. I presume to have received a knife for advertisement.
Something old of Imari ware. It's a nest of boxes look of three step stack.
Something old of Imari ware. The design of the cycad is drawn in the inner bottom.
Something old of Imari ware. The design of the vivid dark blue is drawn in the inner bottom.
Something old of Imari ware. Vivid red and the blue design are drawn in the interior.
Something old of Imari ware. Vivid red and the design of the blue dragon are drawn in the inner bottom.
Combination of a flower viewing box lunch with the gold nasijimoyou design and a swagger bag liquor container. It was used for cherry tree sightseeing.
Something old of Imari ware. The design of the pine tree, bamboo and Japanese apricot tree is drawn in a center part with a large plate of takokarakusa scrollwork.
Wajima Lacquerware lacquer ware. The design of the pine tree, bamboo and Japanese apricot tree is drawn by something in the Edo Period.
蔵に約70年程度、保存されたままで見つかった御殿雛。痛みがあったので、2ヶ月修理を要した。見つかった翌年の雛祭りには、叔母さん(長女=上村和子、次女=懸田弘子)を招待して、お祝いした。 明治の頃のものと推定される。
堺町の片川家(片川 テル 葉本 庄次郎の嫁)から、長女 上村和子が誕生祝いにいただいた。古い写真と共に、「大和な雛まつり」に参加して、一般公開しています。
ユーチューブもご覧ください。「明治の御殿雛と両替商の町屋」 refer to youtube
The Gotenbina which was found by a warehouse while being preserved in around about 70. I felt the pain, so repairing was needed for 2 months. I invited an aunt (eldest daughter = Kazuko Uemura and the second daughter= Kakeda Hiroko) to the next year's Girl's Festival found and celebrated.
It's estimated at something around Meiji. Eldest daughter Kazuko Uemura received from Katagawa family in Sakai-machi(Katakawa Teru is Hamoto Shoujirou's wife) in birthday celebration. I participate in "the Girl's Festival which is Yamatonahinamaturi with an old picture, and it's opened to the public.
「ハモトプチミュージアム」に戻る Return Hamoto petit Museum