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neaka さんの日記。(5件表示)

●07/28 23:2507/28 23:28(171)


土曜日1>20 日曜日>25
周華 > ・・・・・アカウント、4つ目?^^; (07/31 01:23)
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Milford > I work for a publishers <a href=" http://thesisawesome.com/skins/ ">best retin a for acne</a> Keith Masser chairman of Penn State但ツツ冱 board of trustees told USA Today's editorial board that the coverup allegations in the Freeh report against the late head coach Joe Paterno former university President Graham Spanier former Athletic Director Tim Curley and former Vice President Gary Schultz was simply 但ツツ徭peculation但ツツ and nothing more. (11/17 03:20)
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Sara > Could you tell me the dialing code for ? <a href=" http://www.bestiario.com/letras/ ">robaxin 750 mg</a> UK Uncut accepts the protests which will include activists from other groups such as Disabled People Against the Cuts and Fuel Poverty Action will be disruptive to people in town centres on a Saturday but argues that the scale of the issue means the action is proportionate. (11/17 03:20)
Silas > I'd like to send this letter by <a href=" http://529easy.com/?page_id=8 ">apcalis per nachnahme bq</a> Cruz ツsaid that after Paul’s filibuster in March he remembered the Kentucky Republican saying he regretted not wearing comfortable shoes.ツ Cruz normally wears a pair of black ostrich cowboy boots which he calls his “argument boots” but that’s not the case today. (11/23 15:01)
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Christian > I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage <a href=" http://thesisawesome.com/skins/ ">retin a 0.05 cream use kw</a> "I see demand from the middle-class higher than ever before" said Deolu Dara Associate Vice President at Nigeria-based Avante Property Asset Management which manages several multi-million dollar residential projects in Lagos. (11/23 15:01)
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Lucas > Nice to meet you <a href=" http://529easy.com/?page_id=8 ">apcalis jelly uk qs</a> But many predict a bright future for British laverbread. "Seaweeds are powerhouses of nutrients taste great are virtually calorie free and add great texture to foods" says Prannie Rhatigan author of Irish Seaweed Kitchen. "They're finally beginning to get some recognition as the food of the future" she adds. "Many types of seaweed have more calcium than cheese more iron than beef and more protein than eggs" says Maria Dawson from Japanese food brand Clearspring. "So it's no surprise that we are seeing year on year growth in Britain's seaweed market." (11/23 15:01)

●07/20 14:1307/20 14:23(170)
木曜日 立ち上げて1分ほどで画面こわれて再起動するのでグラボはずしてみると、またコンデンサが3個ほど破裂w

金曜日 全体にカバーかかった2スロットということで、玄人志向のGF9800GTXを買ってみました。
PCI-Express用電源が2個必要・・・・・ありません><  今日は接続断念

土曜日 4ピン2個>PCI用6ピンというアダプタを2個買ってきました。

日曜日 PCI-ExpressX1接続のLANカードと4ピン二股ケーブルを買ってきました。

neaka > なぜこんなに行動が間延びしてるかというと、金曜のお買い物後に親知らず抜歯の予約があり、痛みはたいしたことないもののちょっと頭がぼーっとしていたのでした (07/20 14:25)
1300 > お疲れ様でした〜(オソ (07/28 07:08)

●07/10 01:2407/10 01:28(169)


●07/01 23:5807/01 23:59(168)


ミドリ虫 > レベル70未満でスンマセン・w・; (07/05 00:26)

●06/26 00:2106/26 00:22(167)


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