Doppler-Free High Resolution Spectral Atlas of Iodine Molecule 15000-19000 cm-1

H. Katô (project leader), M. Baba, S. Kasahara, K. Ishikawa, M. Misono, Y. Kimura,
J. O'Reilly, H. Kuwano, T. Shimamoto, T. Shinano, C. Fujiwara, M. Ikeuchi, N. Fujita,
Md H. Kabir, M. Ushino, R. Takahashi, and Y. Matsunobu,
Published by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (2000).4,000pp.(8X11):ISBN 4-89114-000-3


The absorption spectrum of the iodine molecule in the 15000-19000 cm-1 region has been measured by applying the technique of Doppler-free laser specroscopy. Each individual spectrum (0.52 cm-1 in range) consist of
1) The frequency marks of the etalon which can be used to calculate the absolute wavenumber of a given hyperfine line of I2,
2) The excitation spectrum of I2 which is broadened by the Doppler effect,
3) The Doppler-free absorption spectrum of I2.
All of which were measured simultaneously. The absolute wavenumber of a transition line in this region can be obtaine with a standard deviation of 0.000054 cm-1.

In addition to this printed document, this spectral data is available on an accompanying CDROM (CDROM of the PC version and Mac version are attached). Using this CDROM, it is possible to obtain the absolute wavenumbers of all the hyperfine components in this atlas. This can be used to calibrate the absolute wavenumber of transition lines with accuracy of approximately 0.0001 cm-1

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