Rose bouquet

Rose bouquet

Rose bouquet

Rose bouquet

Rose bouquet

Eucharis bouquet

Anemone bouquet

Rose bouquet

Tear Drop bouquet

Triangle bouquet

Round bouquet

Cranz bouquet

Design bouquet

Cranz bouquet

Crescent bouquet

Cascade bouquet

Ball bouquet

Arm bouquet
To the Bouquet Part 2

Contemporary Japanese weddings are a mix of traditional and
modern aspects and are carried out in a variety of ways.
Most brides at wedding ceremony in a church
generally wear white wedding dress and hold a white bouquet . After that,
they change costumes to a colorful dress and a colorful bouquet
during the wedding reception.
White is a common symbol for purity in Japan.

Flower Arrange Wedding Pressed Flower
Ikenobo Lesson Index
Floral Studio KATE