Mansonge's "Japanese Folklore"

Three transformations of the "god" in "the big samurai god", "the ultra man" and "the masked rider

In my opinion, an ultra-man and large 魔神 and mask rider is also "paper." Although paper points out that which Japanese people consider is special existence, there are various things also in paper. など, such as a specific mountain, a specific river, a specific stone, a specific tree, specific weather phenomena (thunder etc.), specific heavenly bodies (Big Dipper etc.), specific crops (rice etc.), specific animals (snake etc.), specific persons (Shoutokutaishi, Michizane Sugawara, etc.), God (Sun Goddess etc.), and the Buddhas (Amitabha etc.).
Furthermore, it is not at a specific thing, and it will be called animism when it thinks that paper dwells in all things. ("Paper" is described to be "God" below)

Now, it is thought by large 魔神, an ultra-man, and the mask rider that three ladders Japanese God view type are expressed by him. I will explain in order.

First, large 魔神. God is the figure of 和霊 (ぎたま), when there is anything [ no ]. It is expressed by は by the face of わ. And with anger, God disguises itself as 荒魂 (new ま), and begins to move. The footstep approaching the villain is terrible. Step by step, he walks, being able to let the rumbling of the ground resound all over. This is thunder (神鳴り).
(Although it derails, if it writes like this, "large 魔神" of Yokohama will surely be remembered.) It is said that the reason that I was sorry to trouble you, but pitcher Sasaki came to be first called "large 魔神" in the excessive talk was in his looks from the hopefulness. Back to the subject.
Now, it is attention after extermination of bad fellows finishes. God returns from 荒魂 to 和霊, serves as a ball (soul) of light, and flies away to the sky. In は, an alligator also serves as 土くれ free in the cast skin of どった神, and it collapses.
That is, God called large 魔神 is not a military-man image but the soul which flew away of わ at collapsed は. God depends, flies down from a military-man image as 代, and leaves something in the state of 荒魂.
In this large 魔神 stage, God and a man are different things clearly. There is no touch that someone's men's soul became God called large 魔神.

Next, an ultra-man. This is the stage of "God people." The life (soul) of God (ultra-man) is contained in people's (HAYATA) body. If it thinks that God became people, it will be in the Christ state. Although it is like this if a story is followed, the interpretation which is different for a while is carried out.
I think that time of peace is outside the earth as for an ultra-man's, i.e., God, soul. Then, God will depend and earth people HAYATA which becomes an ultra-man will call it 代. The specification to specific God depends and it is 代. it points to God which descends -- also 目じる(ing) (flash beam as heisoku) -- it has become settled
When 目じるし which calls God is given highly, an ultra-man's soul descends from that direction of the universe in an instant. God is not in the earth until it is called. It is visit God. That an ultra-man is visit God has the time limit, and the last is understood also from flying away in the universe. God must return.
In an ultra-man stage, God and a man are delicate relations. The person who God depended and became 代 can become God a little in between. People can become God under a certain condition.

Now, it is a mask rider. A mask rider can also regard it as God. A mask rider is reconstruction human being, as you know. With man, something is union with a superhuman thing (this is the true character of God). Mode conversion is still indispensable. If it becomes in case of extraordinary, from the man at the time of usual, physical operation will be performed and "he will be disguised" as God. Literally, God is plotted by the body.
Like the stage in large 魔神 or an ultra-man, God is not come from a distance. God is already in people's inside. They are God people 1 如 and attainment of Buddhahood during life. Since God does not need to return, it will say that the time limit is also nothing.
This mask rider stage made the God people relation of Japan low considering. It made it easy "to become God." It is thought that a supernatural power boom and Aum Shinrikyo are connected here.

[The main source reference]

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