Mansonge's "Japanese Folklore"

The ancient New Year and original scenery of "Hare" --- before "Calendar"

"It is not knowing about the way of the world and the right age of Section 4. However, tilling-in-spring 秋収 is measured and it accomplishes with て年紀." This is 古俗 of my "Japan" which the seed book "魏略" of the "Wei zhi" Japan hearsay draws. "Neither the New Year nor the four seasons is known. It is said that but it cultivates exactly in spring, a harvest is gathered in autumn, and one year is passed." Here, it is "Japan" before a "calendar."

I want to explore the "New Year" of Japan which is not restrained by the calendar or the Yin, Yang and five elements combination theory of the China origin this time. Although already painted in the New Year (they are all annual events to it) when we can touch with the calendar, "the New Year of Japan" should be surely hidden in the 古層 and the base.

Japanese culture covered by "Japan-China combination"

This is a grumbling although it is well called "harmonization of Shinto and Buddhism" in the history of Japanese thought. before it -- it should say -- they are "Japan-China combination" or the "Shintoism 儒習合" It is exactly what China-ized even this Buddhism. Acceptance of the India Buddhism is far after Meiji. And, and it is Confucian. [ sticking to the Japanese skin like a thin layer more than the China Buddhism, and having become what it is already hard to classify ]

China-like [ having governed Japanese soul and Japanese folk customs after ancient times to Meiji or before ] actually. First, 暦然り. Focusing on the sexagenary cycle, the Yin, Yang and five elements combination theory became the Yin Yang philosophy, and became the basis of half a fault of the "superstition" which still remains. Or conjointly, 仙術, and the magic-ancient-times universe and a view of the world became mountaineering asceticism and others, and were Japanized. Moreover, ancestor worship is the fundamental philosophy of Confucianism.

At any rate, it has the abundant influence of the China culture. Although the thing before European and American civilization culture acceptance is pointed out in many cases when only saying now, "It is Japanese", this is truly funny. although it is not Norinaga Motoori -- "Japan" -- searching -- た -- it becomes

The word "combination" is telling something. this -- "Japanese spirit and Chinese learning" and "Japanese spirit and Western learning" -- it is alike and near But it is different even if near. Back 2 persons are intentional. On consciousness, it cannot discriminate from combination. However, in unconsciousness and the depths, it is different. It is the proof above all that Japanese people are not changing a lot in the depths.

The sun and the moon specify ancient time.

Now, the talk has shifted from the New Year. Don't misread description of "魏略", although it returns first. It is not necessarily said that the people from Japan know nothing. It is only said that a Chinese calendar is not known. Naturally the people from Japan had the time view (calendar) of the people from Japan.

What thing is the time of the people from Japan? A writer considers the time of "death and reproduction" clearly. Time dies and is reproduced. And time is 謂い in the world and, naturally man is also contained in the world.

Also in the "ancient times" before the "ancient times" which has received the civilization culture of the China dynasty, there were two things which surely cannot but go into an eye and he cannot but be conscious of. They are the sun and the moon.

The sun brings about light every morning and makes man enable free activity. Moreover, by the way, it is highly and low, warmth and cold were brought about according to it, and vegetable growth and the ecology of an animal were specified.

The moon was regularly full, waned, and was carried out, and the periodic movement was irradiating some 霊威 certainly on man or the ground. Female menses and tide are in and influence is only the example of representation that we can know.

These two heavenly bodies specify ancient time fundamentally. There was already an idea of a year and the moon. Although the year was a solar cycle, the two-poles term of the activity was a turning point. That is, the time of the summer solstice and the winter solstice which are said in the golden age and the maximum weak term, i.e., now, is it.

And probably, the winter solstice term was just ancient "New Year." The New Year is one year of beginning. In order to start, it must finish at once. That is, it must be dead. In fact, winter solstice is solar death. And it is also simultaneously at the time of birth of the new sun. The time of death and reproduction is the New Year. It is also not only for the sun but for human being. It is the reviving thing to which man also dies at this time and is born again.

However, as it is, one year is long. Then, a summer-solstice term appears as another turning point. Also at this time, the world repeats death and reproduction.
(Although notes are added here, in Japan, "faith" to the sun itself is weak.) Although there is Sun Goddess as main God of Tianjin God, it is only it most, and it is large that the rise and fall of the sun described now are also the index which finds one year of death and reproduction.

Furthermore, although it is the one moon now, this already repeats death and reproduction splendidly. And needless to say, the golden age of 霊威 of the moon is the night of a full moon. This night, the world, and human being are exposed to the greatest raw energy. This is a moonlight party.

Thus, the ancient calendar consisted of a rhythm in January called "the death, reproduction a full moon - death, and reproduction" of the moon, and a rhythm for one year called solar "death, solar reproduction golden age - death, and reproduction." And each of the turning point is a "festival" and is the day and night of Halle. You may say that it is full of festivals all the year round.

The New Year, a tray, a moonlight party

The time view of this ancient times is in the depths of Japanese soul firmly, and even if it continues till present government-manufacture-izing by acceptance and the ancient state of the subsequent China culture, and now which receives European and American culture further, it does not change fundamentally. Even if it accepts new culture more deeply in a surface, there is "Japan" in a mental base.

I will find the relation of the surface and depths later on only in about a few. two death per year, and a reproductive turning point -- ancient Emperor -- June and December -- the Shinto purification sexagenary cycle was carried out Then, although the Bon Festival of the China Buddhism has been received as a Buddhism state, this combines with a "summer-solstice festival" completely unawares, and the tray in old July is widely recognized as a middle point for one year. Moreover, Vernal Equinox Day (New Year) and the midautumn of the China culture entered, and midautumn was combined with the "full moon festival" of autumn.

For a Japanese, there are two big turning points for one year. They are the New Year and a tray now. The fact of a holiday comes over a long period of time [ special ] which mentions a country, and come home, or the worship or the grave 3 to a shrine is carried out, and eat special dishes, such as dishes for the New Year, carry out the greeting of New Year's greetings or the hottest season, and give the present of a year-end present or a midyear present etc. shows that both this is a special turning point (deifying Halle). I hear that interesting one straddles surface culture called Shintoism and Buddhism in it. It turns out that it is the same as depths culture also from here.

The monthly full moon must have been a special turning point (deifying Halle) also as the basis but as special treatment was now given only to the thing of midautumn about the moonlight party. There is a thing called the Japanese New Year on old January 15. In fact, the New Year of the New Year's Day was a government-manufactured thing, and the Japanese New Year was just the New Year on the public level. On the public level, the monthly center was the night of a full moon. The moonlight party was the monthly "small" New Year.

Death, reproduction, a self-renewal, and a coming-of-age celebration

Death and reproduction were just the true meanings of the "New Year" (deifying representative of Halle) but so that it might repeat. If a life is not updated at this time, the world and human being are KEGARE (気涸れ) てしまう. A revival (黄泉 is a collar) is dying literally and reproducing. Since it cannot revive if it dies truly with a natural thing, it will die symbolically in ceremony. It is becoming width and keeping still. You may sleep. this -- "-- it is filled and is " It is returning into 母胎.

Although night is beginning on the first and it is the time of God, 若水 is drunk in the next morning. Or a himself is bathed. This is water of God and is water of a life. It seems that God brings about a life somehow. Behind, it comes to eat a taro dish. A taro strips off and eats the skin. It is a self-renewal. In this way, man grows older. This is old Japanese way of counting his age. It is said that the year was counted in every two 1 in ancient times. This is because there were two turning points in a year.

If it is called a self-renewal, a snake, an insect or a crab, etc. will be remembered. It is considered also in this that a snake is a self-renewal king. The snake updated the life by repeating a self-renewal, and was made into non-death. It is this cause that the snake became God. The self-renewal also of the way of the world which makes it crawl on a crab is because reproduction or birth is meant at the time of a delivery. If it says in passing, a 産 store will be a place with which are filled. Then, where does a life come from? There is 黄泉 only from the country of the death which is the source of a collar. In this way, it turns out that the day of Halle is a day which a new life comes from the country of death (and raw).

There was a self-renewal special for man. It is a coming-of-age celebration. A woman's adult age is greeting the first period. This is considered to have been carried out as a female festival at the night of a full moon. A boy's coming-of-age celebration was held as a trial which it may die of truly, supposing it carried out or. A king and shrine maiden Sherman (if it goes down a 修験 person and a priest) had already repeated special death and special reproduction. A special place (a hole, cave.) The entrance of death and a raw country is filled and it reproduces. A boy's coming-of-age celebration was held in such a place. The surviving person, i.e., the revived person, was greeted as an adult.

If this went down, it was called "MUKEZEKKU" (turning festival) etc. A child's skin turns and dies and a new adult is born. In fact, NAMAHAGE which pounces on a child is "raw is ぎ", and is far memory of the trial for carrying out adult age. It is the vestiges of the coming-of-age celebration having been held at the Japanese New Year (= New Year) that January 15 is incidentally Coming-of-Age Day.

Conclusion. The subsequent New Year

I want to finish for a while about the New Year before a "calendar" above. Although it is consent repeatedly, I want for having been left behind to change a draft and, as for being a very inadequate description, to describe them gradually. I want to describe after that [ of the New Year ] briefly and to set a brush.

Establishment of farming culture moves the importance of an ancient calendar. It moves from a reproductive center to a spirit of the rice (soul), and the element of the soul festival centering on spirit-of-the-ancestors worship becomes large in parallel to this. The agricultural off-season until introduction of agricultural products finishes and the following agricultural work starts temporally serves as a period of intensive Halle in one year. In this way, the New Year is attached to 首座 which does not wave in an annual event.

Although a festival is also reorganized along with this, there is also introduction of a calendar and a series of events of the New Year, such as year welcoming's all earthly things thing (a winter solstice festival and 祓え are included), the New Year, the eve of the beginning of spring, the Japanese New Year, and an all earthly things thing of year sending, will continue from December to February after the Niname festival as a harvest festival. and the meaning -- the next -- it is celebration in anticipation of farming

[The main source reference]

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